
Spring Beast Festival

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Rågsved-Snösätra Stockholm
2018-05-26 13:55

Jag hade turen att få uppleva den här festivalen förra året. Vilken öppenhet, vilken glädje, vilken kreativitet – vilken kick det gav!

<p dolt nummer /p><p dolt nummer /p>

For the fourth consecutive year "Spring Beast" is one of the world's biggest graffiti festivals located at Snösätra Gränd (Europe's largest legal graffiti exhibition, 4500 m2)
Spring Beast is a grassroots initiative to encourage urban culture and free expression in its purest form.​
During this weekend we have over 150 artists from all over the world that will help and repaint Snösätra Gränd.​
You will get a chance to meet the artists behind the artwork and also get a chance to try it out yourself.​
There will be live concerts with a huge variety of musicians, dancers and all kinds of different performances.​
Alongside graffiti, music and art you also get the chance to try out Yoga, Qi Gong, and a large diversity of activities.​
Food trucks will be on the spot serving locally produced vegan food as well as some of the best burgers Stockholm has to offer and much more.​
This is a festival for everyone, no matter what age, gender, ethnicity or shoe size you got.​
Come as you are, leave as you be,
Do what you want, Set your mind free.​
Our main goal is to bring everyone together and give everyone the best experience possible, and therefore our event is and always will be free.​
Spring Beast Festival.​

Tags: fest festival

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